Top Ways to Make Friends & Meet People in Scranton, PA

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Meet People & Make Friends in Scranton, PA

Whether you're looking to make new friends for find that special someone, a great place to look is in Scranton, PA. If you're a local looking for others nearby you'll find some great spots here and if you're just visiting, you'll enjoy the warm hospitality of the locals. Use our info below to find social hubs, meet up events and great destinations for socializing in this area. There are lots of exciting things to do and - more importantly - people to meet in Scranton, PA.

Where to Meet New People in Scranton, PA

1. Scranton Cultural Center at the Masonic Temple
2. The Marketplace at Steamtown
3. Lackawanna River Heritage Trail
4. Electric City Aquarium and Reptile Den
5. Montage Mountain Waterpark

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How to Make Friends in Scranton, PA

There are many different ways to meet people in Scranton, PA. One of the best ways to meet new people is by getting involved in local community events and organizations. Scranton has a strong sense of community and there are always events happening throughout the city. Attend a festival, concert, or volunteer at a local charity organization. These events provide a great opportunity to meet people who share similar interests and values as you. Joining a sports team or fitness class is also a great way to meet new people. There are several gyms and sports leagues in Scranton that offer a variety of activities such as softball, basketball, and yoga. Not only will you meet new people, but you will also stay active and healthy. Another way to meet people in Scranton is by taking advantage of the city's nightlife. Scranton has a bustling bar and restaurant scene, which makes it easy to strike up a conversation with someone new. Check out different bars and restaurants in the city and attend happy hour or trivia nights. This allows for a more relaxed and laid-back atmosphere to meet and get to know people. Additionally, joining social clubs or groups is a great way to meet people with similar interests. There are many clubs and groups in Scranton that cater to a variety of interests such as book clubs, hiking groups, and wine tasting clubs. By joining these groups, you are not only expanding your social circle, but you are also getting the opportunity to try new activities and hobbies. Overall, getting involved in the community, participating in local events, and taking advantage of the city's nightlife and social groups are all great ways to meet people in Scranton, PA.

FAQ about Scranton, PA

1) What is the population of Scranton?
A: The estimated population of Scranton as of 2019 is 77,182.

2) What is Scranton known for?
A: Scranton is known for its rich history in coal mining and its role as the setting for the popular TV show "The Office."

3) What are some popular attractions in Scranton?
A: Some popular attractions in Scranton include the Steamtown National Historic Site, Nay Aug Park, and the Electric City Trolley Museum.

4) Is Scranton a college town?
A: Yes, Scranton is home to several colleges and universities, including the University of Scranton and Marywood University.

5) What is the weather like in Scranton?
A: Scranton experiences all four seasons, with cold winters and warm summers. The average temperature in January is around 25°F and in July it is around 70°F.