Top Ways to Make Friends & Meet People in Lakewood, CO

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Meet People & Make Friends in Lakewood, CO

Whether you're looking to make new friends for find that special someone, a great place to look is in Lakewood, CO. If you're a local looking for others nearby you'll find some great spots here and if you're just visiting, you'll enjoy the warm hospitality of the locals. Use our info below to find social hubs, meet up events and great destinations for socializing in this area. There are lots of exciting things to do and - more importantly - people to meet in Lakewood, CO.

Where to Meet New People in Lakewood, CO

1. Belmar Shopping District: This outdoor shopping district offers a variety of restaurants, bars, and coffee shops where people can gather and socialize.

2. Lakewood Cultural Center: This arts and cultural center hosts events, performances, and classes that bring people together in a shared love of the arts.

3. Bear Creek Lake Park: This popular park features a beach, picnic areas, and hiking trails, making it a popular spot for friends and families to gather and enjoy the outdoors.

4. Green Mountain Beer Company: This local brewery offers a relaxed atmosphere where people can gather and enjoy craft beers and live music.

5. Sloans Lake Park: This large park is a popular spot for community events and festivals, as well as a place for people to picnic, walk, and socialize with friends and neighbors.

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How to Make Friends in Lakewood, CO

There are many ways to meet people in Lakewood, CO. One of the best ways is to get involved in the community. Lakewood has a strong sense of community and there are plenty of opportunities to join local groups and organizations. For example, you can volunteer at a local charity or participate in a community event. This will not only help you meet new people, but also give back to the community and make a positive impact. Additionally, joining a sports league or fitness class is a great way to meet people who share similar interests. Lakewood has a variety of recreational activities available such as hiking, biking, and skiing, making it easy to find a group of like-minded individuals to connect with. Another great way to meet people in Lakewood is through social events and gatherings. Keep an eye out for local events and festivals, as these are often great opportunities to meet new people and make connections. You can also check out local bars, cafes, and restaurants, as they often host events such as trivia nights or live music, providing a fun and relaxed atmosphere to socialize and meet new people. Additionally, joining online groups and forums specific to Lakewood can also be a great way to connect with people in the area. These groups often organize meetups, allowing you to form friendships with people who share common interests or hobbies. Overall, being open and proactive in exploring the community and participating in various activities can greatly increase your chances of meeting new people in Lakewood.

FAQ about Lakewood, CO

1. What is the population of Lakewood, CO?
A: As of 2021, the estimated population of Lakewood is around 160,000 people.

2. What is the weather like in Lakewood?
A: Lakewood experiences a temperate climate with warm summers and cold winters. The average temperature in July is around 85°F and in January it is around 45°F.

3. What is the cost of living in Lakewood?
A: The cost of living in Lakewood is slightly higher than the national average, with housing being the biggest contributor to the overall cost.

4. What are some popular attractions in Lakewood?
A: Some popular attractions in Lakewood include the Belmar Shopping Center, Bear Creek Lake Park, and the Lakewood Cultural Center.

5. Is there good public transportation in Lakewood?
A: Yes, Lakewood has a well-developed public transportation system with bus services operated by the Regional Transportation District (RTD). There is also a light rail system that connects Lakewood to nearby cities.